We've discovered a terrific way to raise funds for our school while your do your holiday shopping! It's super-easy, and all you have to do is use your Target® REDCard® (Includes Target Debit Cards™, Target Credit Cards® or Target® Visa® Credit Cards). We will receive 1% of the amount of each purchase in the form of a cash donation from Target through the Take Charge of Education® program. It's easy. Just visit http://target.com/tcoe, or call 1-800-316-6142 to designate our school. So if you're going to Target anyway, please consider using your Target® REDcard®. A big thanks to those who are already doing their part to make a great school even better!
Find out how much money our school has already received at http://sites.target.com/site/en/corporate/page.jsp?schoolId=34865&contentId=PRD03-005165. The last donation we received was put toward purchasing school supplies.Grandparents, alumni, neighbors and friends can take part, too!