San Gabriel Valley schools offer free meals to feed hungry students

The seniors were getting hungry at Rowland High, while the munchkins at a nearby elementary school were busy munching on their brunch.
Soon 700 teens lined up for the free breakfast, courtesy of the Seamless Summer Food Service program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Many hadn’t eaten anything before rushing off to summer school at 7:30 a.m.
This was their chance to catch up on calories between the two-hour periods.
“I think it’s great, they offer fruit, milk and cereal,” admitted senior Matthew Lane. The 17-year-old said the protein bars with chocolate chips were the best.
“I don’t have time to make breakfast because we start class so early in the summer,” agreed 16-year-old Abel Vital. “So this is my breakfast, and I count on it.”
Fellow senior Carolina Marquez, also 16, said most of the students take the district up on the free breakfast. “This is the first year, they’ve offered it at Rowland High,” Marquez noted.
Rowland’s Director of Nutritional Services Maria Davila said the district decided to try this summer option through the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs. That way, Rowland could continue the same meal service and reimbursement rules used during the regular school year.
The district was also serving free meals at Giano and Alvarado Intermediate schools, as well as Santana High. Jellick and Villacorta elementaries were also covered, as is Telesis Academy, where Nogales High students are attending summer school while their campus is renovated. Click HERE for entire story!